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under många årKeywords
environmental engineering, wastewater treatment, water quality, microbiology, ecology, microscopy, bioprocess design/control, biodegradation, microbial kinetics and population dynamics, activated sludge, MBBR/biofilm, contaminant fate, adsorption, surface tension, chemical analysis, chemometrics, experimental methods, computer and PLC programming, data processing, numerical methods, modelling, materials science, biopolymers, polymer analysis, polymer processing, patents/patent strategy, thesis supervision, teaching, research management, connecting disparate dots
Bengtsson, Arnell. (2023) Optimization of aeration diffuser system design: a simulation study.Journal of Environmental Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/JOEEDU/EEENG-7047
Pei, Vicente-Venegas, Van Loosdrecht, Kleerebezem, Werker (2022). Quantification of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Accumulated in Waste Activated Sludge. Submitted, 221(June), 118795.
Estévez-Alonso., Arias-Buendía, Pei, van Veelen, van Loosdrecht, Kleerebezem,Werker (2022). Calcium enhances polyhydroxyalkanoate production and promotes selective growth of the polyhydroxyalkanoate-storing biomass in municipal activated sludge. Water Research, 226, 119259.
Pei, Estevez-Alonso, Ortiz-seco, van Loosdrecht, Kleerebezem, Werker (2022). Exploring the Limits of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production by Municipal Activated Sludge. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 11729–11738.
Werker, Lorini, Villano, Valentino, Majone (2022). Modelling Mixed Microbial Culture Polyhydroxyalkanoate Accumulation Bioprocess towards Novel Methods for Polymer Production Using Dilute Volatile Fatty Acid Rich Feedstocks. Bioengeering, 9(125).
Estévez-Alonso, Altamira-Algarra, Arnau-Segarra, van Loosdrecht, Kleerebezem, Werker (2022). Process conditions affect properties and outcomes of polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation in municipal activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 364(July), 128035.
Estevez-Alonso, Pei, van Loosdrecht, Kleerebezem, Werker (2021). Scaling-up microbial community-based polyhydroxyalkanoate production : status and challenges. Bioresource Technology, 327(January).
Estévez-Alonso, van Loosdrecht, Kleerebezem, Werker, (2021). Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in microbial community-based polyhydroxyalkanoate production. Bioresource Technology, 337(June), 125420.
Morgan-Sagastume, Bengtsson, De Grazia, Alexandersson, Quadri, Johansson, Magnusson, Werker, (2020). Mixed-culture polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production integrated into a food-industry effluent biological treatment: A pilot-scale evaluation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8(6).
Laycock, Pratt, Werker, Lant Controlling Lifetimes of Polyhydroxyalkanoates and their Composites in the Natural Environment (2020). In M. Koller (Ed.), The Handbook of Polyhydroxyalkanoates: Postsynthetic Treatment, Processing and Application, CRC Press.
Werker, Bengtsson, Johansson, Magnusson, Gustafsson, Hjort, Anterrieu, Karabegovic, Alexandersson, Karlsson, Morgan-Sagastume, Sijstermans, Tietema, Wypkema, van der Kooij, Deeke, Uijterlinde, Korving (2020). Production Quality Control of Mixed Culture Poly(3-Hydroxbutyrate-co-3-Hydroxyvalerate) Blends Using Full-Scale Municipal Activated Sludge and Non-Chlorinated Solvent Extraction. In M. Koller (Ed.), The Handbook of Polyhydroxyalkanoates: Kinetics, Bioengineering, and Industrial Aspects (1st ed., p. 58). CRC Press.
Chan, Vandi, Pratt, Halley, Ma, Chen, Richardson, Werker, Laycock, 2019. Understanding the effect of copolymer content on the processability and mechanical properties of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) / wood composites, Composites: Part A, doi: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.05.005
Pratt, Vandi, Gapes, Werker, Oehmen, Laycock, 2019. Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Bioplastics from Organic Waste. Biorefinery 615–638.
Wang, Bengtsson, Oehmen, Carvalho, Werker, Reis. 2019. Application of dissolved oxygen level (DO) control for PHA accumulation with concurrent nitrification in surplus municipal activated sludge. N. Biotechnol. 50, 37–43.
Werker, Bengtsson, Korving, Hjort, Anterrieu, Alexandersson, Johansson, Karlsson, Karabegovic, Magnusson, Morgan-Sagastume, Sijstermans, Tietema, Visser,Wypkema, van der Kooij, Deeke, Uijterlinde, 2018. Consistent production of high quality PHA using activated sludge harvested from full scale municipal wastewater treatment – PHARIO. Water Sci. Technol. 1–14.
Chan, Pratt, Halley, Richardson, Werker, Laycock, Vandi. 2019. Mechanical and physical stability of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based wood plastic composites (WPCs) under natural weathering. Polym. Test. 73, 214–221.
Chan, Vandi, Pratt, Halley, Richardson, Werker, Laycock. (2018) Mechanical properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate- co-3-hydroxyvalerate)/wood flour composites: Effect of interface modifiers. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 46828, 46828.
Vandi, Chan, Werker, Richardson, Laycock, Pratt. (2018) Wood-PHA Composites : Mapping Opportunities. Polymers, 10, 1–15.
Nilsson, Davidsson, Falås, Bengtsson, Bester, Jönsson. (2018) Impact of activated sludge ozonation on filamentous bacteria viability and possible added benefits. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 1-7.
Chan, Vandi, Pratt, Halley, Richardson, Werker, Laycock. (2018) Mechanical performance and long-term indoor stability of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based wood plastic composites (WPCs) modified by non-reactive additives. European Polymer Journal, 98, 337-346.
Bengtsson, De Blois, Wilén, Gustavsson. (2018) Treatment of municipal wastewater with aerobic granular sludge. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 119-166.
Bengtsson, De Blois, Wilén, Gustavsson. (2018) A comparison of aerobic granular sludge with conventional and compact biological treatment technologies. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 1-10.
Valentino, Morgan-Sagastume, Campanari, Villano, Werker, Majone. (2017) Carbon recovery from wastewater through bioconversion into biodegradable polymers. New Biotechnology, 37, 9-23.
Morgan-Sagastume, Valentino, Hjort, Zanaroli, Majone, Werker. (2017) Acclimation Process for Enhancing Polyhydroxyalkanoate Accumulation in Activated-Sludge Biomass. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 1-18.
De Grazia, Quadri, Majone, Morgan-Sagastume, Werker. (2017) Influence of temperature on mixed microbial culture polyhydroxyalkanoate production while treating a starch industry wastewater. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5, 5067-5075.
Chan, Johansson, Magnusson, Vandi, Arcos-Hernandez, Halley, Laycock, Pratt, Werker. (2017) Mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoate-rich biomass assessment and quality control using thermogravimetric measurement methods. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 144, 110-120.
Bengtsson, Karlsson, Alexandersson, Quadri, Hjort, Johansson, Morgan-Sagastume, Anterrieu, Arcos-Hernandez, Karabegovic, Magnusson, Werker. (2017) A process for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production from municipal wastewater treatment with biological carbon and nitrogen removal demonstrated at pilot-scale. New Biotechnology, 35, 42-53.
Morgan-Sagastume, Heimersson, Laera, Werker, Svanström. (2016) Techno-environmental assessment of integrating polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production with services of municipal wastewater treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137, 1368-1381.
Janarthanan, Laycock, Montano-Herrera, Lu, Arcos-Hernandez, Werker, Pratt. (2016) Fluxes in PHA-storing microbial communities during enrichment and biopolymer accumulation processes. New Biotechnology, 33, 61-72.
Chan, Vandi, Pratt, Halley, Richardson, Werker, Laycock. (2016) Processing and characterisation of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based wood plastic composites: Effect of non-reactive additives. Appita Journal, 69, 352-360.
Chan, Vandi, Pratt, Halley, Richardson, Werker, Laycock. (2016) Processing and characterisation of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based wood plastic composites: Effect of non-reactive additives. Fibre Value Chain Conference and Expo 2016: Pulp and Paper Bioenergy Bioproducts, 57-66.
Valentino, Morgan-Sagastume, Fraraccio, Corsi, Zanaroli, Werker, Majone. (2015) Sludge minimization in municipal wastewater treatment by polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 7281-7294.
Valentino, Karabegovic, Majone, Morgan-Sagastume, Werker. (2015) Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) storage within a mixed-culture biomass with simultaneous growth as a function of accumulation substrate nitrogen and phosphorus levels. Water Research, 77, 49-63.
Morgan-Sagastume, Hjort, Cirne, Gérardin, Lacroix, Gaval, Karabegovic, Alexandersson, Johansson, Karlsson, Bengtsson, Arcos-Hernández, Magnusson, Werker. (2015) Integrated production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) with municipal wastewater and sludge treatment at pilot scale. Bioresource Technology, 181, 78-89.
Arza, Jannasch, Johansson, Magnusson, Werker, Maurer. (2015) Effect of additives on the melt rheology and thermal degradation of poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132.
Arcos-Hernández, Montaño-Herrera, Janarthanan, Quadri, Anterrieu, Hjort, Alexandersson, Karlsson, Karabegovic, Magnusson, Johansson, Bengtsson, Morgan-Sagastume, De Vegt, Laycock, Pratt, Halley, Lant, Werker. (2015) Value-added bioplastics from services of wastewater treatment. Water Practice and Technology, 10, 546-555.
Morgan-Sagastume, Valentino, Hjort, Cirne, Karabegovic, Gerardin, Johansson, Karlsson, Magnusson, Alexandersson, Bengtsson, Majone, Werker. (2014) Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production from sludge and municipal wastewater treatment. Water Science and Technology, 69, 177-184.
Montano-Herrera, Pratt, Arcos-Hernandez, Halley, Lant, Werker, Laycock. (2014) In-line monitoring of thermal degradation of PHA during melt-processing by Near-Infrared spectroscopy. New Biotechnology, 31, 357-363.
Laycock, Pratp, Halley, Werker, Lant. (2014) Biodegradable polymers from pulp and paper wastewater streams – A critical review. Appita Journal, 67, 309-315.
Laycock, Halleya, Pratt, Werker, Lant. (2014) Erratum: The chemomechanical properties of microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates (Progress in Polymer Science (2013) 38 (536-583) DOI:10.1016/j.progpolymsci. 2012.06.003). Progress in Polymer Science, 39, 396.
Laycock, Halley, Pratt, Werker, Lant. (2014) The chemomechanical properties of microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates. Progress in Polymer Science, 39, 397-442.
Laycock, Arcos-Hernandez, Langford, Pratt, Werker, Halley, Lant. (2014) Crystallisation and fractionation of selected polyhydroxyalkanoates produced from mixed cultures. New Biotechnology, 31, 345-356.
Laycock, Arcos-Hernandez, Langford, Buchanan, Halley, Werker, Lant, Pratt. (2014) Thermal properties and crystallization behavior of fractionated blocky and random polyhydroxyalkanoate copolymers from mixed microbial cultures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131.
Janarthanan, Yu, Laycock, Werker, Pratt. (2014) Fractionation of microbial populations in a PHA accumulating mixed culture and associated PHA content and composition. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 71, 53-58.
Heimersson, Morgan-Sagastume, Peters, Werker, Svanström. (2014) Methodological issues in life cycle assessment of mixed-culture polyhydroxyalkanoate production utilising waste as feedstock. New Biotechnology, 31, 383-393.
Anterrieu, Quadri, Geurkink, Dinkla, Bengtsson, Arcos-Hernandez, Alexandersson, Morgan-Sagastume, Karlsson, Hjort, Karabegovic, Magnusson, Johansson, Christensson, Werker. (2014) Integration of biopolymer production with process water treatment at a sugar factory. New Biotechnology, 31, 308-323.
Nikodinovic-Runic, Guzik, Kenny, Babu, Werker, O’connor. (2013) Carbon-rich wastes as feedstocks for biodegradable polymer (polyhydroxyalkanoate) production using bacteria, Advances in Applied Microbiology, pp. 139-200.
Laycock, Pratt, Halley, Werker, Lant. (2013) Biodegradable polymers from pulp and paper wastewater streams. Appita Annual Conference, 159-166.
Laycock, Halley, Pratt, Werker, Lant. (2013) The chemomechanical properties of microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates. Progress in Polymer Science, 38, 536-583.
Karabegovic, Uldal, Werker, Morgan-Sagastume. (2013) Phosphorus recovery potential from a waste stream with high organic and nutrient contents via struvite precipitation. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 34, 871-883.
Arcos-Hernandez, Pratt, Laycock, Johansson, Werker, Lant. (2013) Waste activated sludge as biomass for production of commercial-grade polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). Waste and Biomass Valorization, 4, 117-127.
Arcos-Hernández, Laycock, Donose, Pratt, Halley, Al-Luaibi, Werker, Lant. (2013) Physicochemical and mechanical properties of mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHBV). European Polymer Journal, 49, 904-913.
Pratt, Werker, Morgan-Sagastume, Lant. (2012) Microaerophilic conditions support elevated mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) yields, but result in decreased PHA production rates. Water Science and Technology, 65, 243-246.
Pratt, Liew, Batstone, Werker, Morgan-Sagastume, Lant. (2012) Inhibition by fatty acids during fermentation of pre-treated waste activated sludge. Journal of Biotechnology, 159, 38-43.
Arcos-Hernandez, Laycock, Pratt, Donose, Nikolič, Luckman, Werker, Lant. (2012) Biodegradation in a soil environment of activated sludge derived polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHBV). Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97, 2301-2312.
Morgan-Sagastume, Pratt, Karlsson, Cirne, Lant, Werker. (2011) Production of volatile fatty acids by fermentation of waste activated sludge pre-treated in full-scale thermal hydrolysis plants. Bioresource Technology, 102, 3089-3097.
Weber, Werker, Gehder, Senger, Legge. (2010) Influence of the microbial community in the treatment of acidic iron-rich water in Aerobic Wetland Mesocosms. Bioremediation Journal, 14, 28-37.
Morgan-Sagastume, Karlsson, Johansson, Pratt, Boon, Lant, Werker. (2010) Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates in open, mixed cultures from a waste sludge stream containing high levels of soluble organics, nitrogen and phosphorus. Water Research, 44, 5196-5211.
Bengtsson, Pisco, Reis, Lemos. (2010) Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from fermented sugar cane molasses by a mixed culture enriched in glycogen accumulating organisms. Journal of Biotechnology, 145, 253-263.
Bengtsson, Pisco, Johansson, Lemos, Reis. (2010) Molecular weight and thermal properties of polyhydroxyalkanoates produced from fermented sugar molasses by open mixed cultures. Journal of Biotechnology, 147, 172-179.
Arcos-Hernandez, Gurieff, Pratt, Magnusson, Werker, Vargas, Lant. (2010) Rapid quantification of intracellular PHA using infrared spectroscopy: An application in mixed cultures. Journal of Biotechnology, 150, 372-379.
Albuquerque, Concas, Bengtsson, Reis. (2010) Mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoates production from sugar molasses: The use of a 2-stage CSTR system for culture selection. Bioresource Technology, 101, 7112-7122.
Albuquerque, Concas, Bengtsson, Reis. (2010) Mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoates production from sugar molasses: the use of a 2-stage CSTR system for culture selection. Bioresource technology, 101, 7123-7133.
Pisco, Bengtsson, Werker, Reis, Lemos. (2009) Community structure evolution and enrichment of glycogen-accumulating organisms producing polyhydroxyalkanoates from fermented molasses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75, 4676-4686.
Bengtsson. (2009) The utilization of glycogen accumulating organisms for mixed culture production of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 104, 698-708.
Werker, Lind, Bengtsson, Nordström. (2008) Chlorinated-solvent-free gas chromatographic analysis of biomass containing polyhydroxyalkanoates. Water Research, 42, 2517-2526.
Malmqvist, Ternström, Werker. (2008) Nutrient limited BAS for optimal wastewater treatment performance. International Paperworld IPW, 32-33.
Bengtsson, Werker, Welander. (2008) Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by glycogen accumulating organisms treating a paper mill wastewater, Water Science and Technology, pp. 323-330.
Bengtsson, Werker, Christensson, Welander. (2008) Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by activated sludge treating a paper mill wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 99, 509-516.
Bengtsson, Hallquist, Werker, Welander. (2008) Acidogenic fermentation of industrial wastewaters: Effects of chemostat retention time and pH on volatile fatty acids production. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 40, 492-499.
Werker, Van Loon, Legge. (2007) Tracers for investigating pathogen fate and removal mechanisms in mesocosms. Science of the Total Environment, 380, 188-195.
Werker. (2007) The next generation of wastewater and sludge treatment: Biorefineries producing biopolymer. Water 21, 30-31.
Werker, Carlsson, Morgan-Sagastume, Son Le, Harrison (2007). Full scale demonstration and assessment of enzymic hydrolysis pre-treatment for mesophilic anaerobic digestion of municipal wastewater treatment sludge. WEFTEC Proceedings.
Werker. (2006) An evaluation of full-scale activated sludge dynamics using microbial fatty acid analysis, Water Science and Technology, pp. 11-19.
Mchenry, Werker. (2005) In-situ monitoring of microbial biomass in wetland mesocosms, Water Science and Technology, pp. 233-241.
Werker, Hall. (2004) Development and application of a quasi-static Langmuir isotherm for modelling selected resin acid fate in pulp mill wastewater treatment. Water Research, 38, 1995-2008.
Werker, Malmqvist, Welander. (2004) A comparison of conventional activated sludge and low sludge production strategies for advanced treatment of kraft pulp mill effluent, Water Science and Technology, pp. 103-110.
Werker, Becker, Huitema. (2003) Assessment of activated sludge microbial community analysis in full-scale biological wastewater treatment plants using patterns of fatty acid isopropyl esters (FAPEs). Water Research, 37, 2162-2172.
Werker, Dougherty, Mchenry, Van Loon. (2002) Treatment variability for wetland wastewater treatment design in cold climates. Ecological Engineering, 19, 1-11.
Werker, Hall. (2002) Development and application of a fatty acid based microbial community structure similarity index. Environmetrics, 13, 347-363.
Mchenry, Werker. (2002) Characterization of bio activity in treatment wetlands utilising an enzymatic assay. Conference Proceedings – Joint 2002 CSCE/ASCE International Conference on Environmental Engineering – An International Perspective on Environmental Engineering, 621-634.
Dougherty, Werker. (2002) Assessment of nutrient removal in vegetated and unvegetated gravel bed mesocosm treatment wetlands. Conference Proceedings – Joint 2002 CSCE/ASCE International Conference on Environmental Engineering – An International Perspective on Environmental Engineering, 609-620.
Guterstam, Werker, Adamsson, Barker, Brull, Dakers, Gossling, Heeb, Loiselle, Mander, Canu, Robbenbauer, Roux, Santopietro, Stuart, Trudeau, van Bohemen (2002). Ecosystem Services. In book: Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century: Toward a New, Integrated Hard Problem Science. Editors: R. Constanza, S.E. Jorgensen. DOI: 10.1016/B978-008044111-5/50008-1.
Werker, Hall. (2001) Quantifying population dynamics based on community structure fingerprints extracted from biosolids samples. Microbial Ecology, 41, 195-209.
Werker, Legge, Warner. (2000) Understanding wetland wastewater treatment variability. 2000 Annual Conference Abstracts – Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 110.
Werker, Hall. (2000) Assessment of microbial fatty acid analysis for quantifying mixed culture biomass during batch growth. Water Environment Research, 72, 484-489.
Werker, Hall. (2000) Fate of a resin acid shock load to a biological treatment system. Pulp and Paper Canada, 101, 45-49.
Werker, Hall. (1999) The influence of pH on the growth-linked biodegradation kinetics of selected resin acids found in pulp mill effluent. TAPPI Journal, 82, 169-177.
Werker, Hall. (1999) Limitations for biological removal of resin acids from pulp mill effluent, Water Science and Technology, pp. 281-288.
Werker, Hall. (1999) Fate of a resin acid shock load to a biological treatment system. Annual Meeting – Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints, B315-B322.
Werker, Hall. (1998) Using microbial fatty acids to quantify, characterize and compare biofilm and suspended microbial populations in wastewater treatment systems. Water Science and Technology, 38, 273-280.
Werker, Hall. (1997) Influence of pH on resin acid solubility related to biodegradation kinetics of resin acid in pulp mill effluent. TAPPI Proceedings – Environmental Conference, 19-26.
Werker, Voskamp. (1992) Characterization of distressed rolling bearing raceways by X-ray diffraction. In book: Residual Stresses III: Science and Technology. CRC Press. Editors: Haruo Fujiwara, Takeji Abe, Keisuke Tanaka.
Werker, Bengtsson, Hjort, Morgan-Sagastume, Majone, Valentino. (2015) Process for enhancing polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation in activated sludge biomass. PCT/IB2015/055993.
Werker, Morgan-Sagastume, Karabegovic, Bengtsson, Valentino, Majone. (2014) Method for increased productivity of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) in fed-batch pro- cesses for biomass derived from the treatment of wastewater. US14/760217.
Werker, Morgan-Sagastume, Bengtsson. (2014) Biological wastewater treatment processes that enhances the capacity for polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation in a mixed culture biomass. US14/760221.
Werker, Johansson, Magnusson. (2014) Process for the extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates from biomass. US14/766579.
Werker, Arcos, Laycock, Pratt, Johansson, Magnusson. (2013) Method of producing polyhydroxyalkanoate compounded plastics having improved mechanical properties. US14/652890.
Lundmark, Persson, Mpampos, Werker, Johansson, Magnusson (2012) Förfarande för rening av ett poly(hydroxialkanoat). SE1100154.
Werker, Bengtsson, Morgan-Sagstume, Karlsson, Blanchet. (2011) Method of treating wastewater and producing an activated sludge having a high biopolymer production potential. US13/817021.
Werker, Johansson, Magnusson, Maurer, Jannasch. (2010) Method for the recovery of stabilized polyhydroxyalkanoates from biomass that has been used to treat organic waste. US13/816985.
Werker, Bengtsson, Morgan-Sagstume, Karlsson, Blanchet. (2010) Method of treating wastewater and producing an activated sludge having a high biopolymer production potential. US13/516760.
Werker, Bengtsson, Karlsson. (2010) Method for accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates in biomass with on-line monitoring for feed rate control and process termination. US13/514660.
Bengtsson, Werker, Lemos, Reis. (2010) Process for Maximizing PHA Production in Glycogen Accumulating Organisms. US12/704732.